Children's Stories


Children with Cancer Fund Child Jumping Logo

Max was diagnosed with Hodgkin Lymphoma in May 2017 aged just 4 years old. He had 2 rounds of chemotherapy and 11 days of Radiotherapy. Max completed treatment in Dec the same year. Max has gone on to have follow up appointments that consist of scans, x-rays and blood tests. The CWCF have been a wonderful support for Max and all of us as a family throughout this time and will continue to support us until Max is 18. They’ve provided many days out that give us opportunities to make long lasting memories, meet other families experiencing similar feelings, and just gives us a day out to look forward to. Weve been treated to a trip to the Isle of Wight, mini caravan breaks and a Merlin pass for the family.

Now 7 years on, Max still has yearly visits to the Royal Marsen Hospital, but he is a lively, football fanatic that is due to start secondary school this year (This feels like such a milestones seeing as Max started cancer treatment before even starting school) Max has just completed his SATS, he is due to go on his first school residential trip and just completed his 4th football season for Rottingdean Village Football Club

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Children with Cancer Fund Child Jumping Logo
Help children with cancer enjoy being children